We’re inching closer to the six month mark of G-Unit’s life, so I thought it might be appropriate to record some of his favorite things that he’s discovered on his adventure so far. He is in a great stage – he’s very interactive, curious, daring, observant, and explorative. He wants to touch everything, taste everything, hold everything, and cuddle everything. Dave and I laugh over the fact that George already has blatant and specific preferences for various items, and I pretend like I don’t know where he gets that from. 😉

Thus, without further ado, we present a few of George’s favorite things besides his dad and being naked.



  1. I Love You Through and Through – Dave is always in charge of giving George his nightly bath and reading him a bedtime story. This has been Dave’s book of choice lately, and I hide outside the room listening to him read this precious book to George and I tear up every time.
  2. Goodnight Moon – A classic, right? I remember this book from when I was little and I’m so happy George enjoys it, too.
  3. Guess How Much I Love You? – A great book for this age because it’s short. I usually read this to George before naps to wind him down.


  1. Sophie the Giraffe – What is it about this toy that little ones love so much?We don’t leave the house without Sophie and she’s George constant mouth-companion.
  2. Rattles – Toys with great texture like this and ones that rattle like this are really engaging him right now. His senses are in overdrive and these toys are great for promoting development.
  3. Wooden Toys – I love wooden toys for their simplicity and safety. There are some really good ones out there like this and this.
  4. My First Rosary – If you’re Catholic and you know it, clap your hands and get this toy for your kiddos. It’s easy to chew on and it rattles. I’m pretty sure George cranks out a decade or two between our house and Starbucks.


  1. Kevin Heider – Forever and always George’s favorite. He was dancing in utero to Kevin’s music the first time I felt him move. We’ve taken many a road trip in George’s short life and we always kick them off by jamming to some Heider.
  2. Les Miserables – Still our go-to music to calm George down. It’s the money musical.
  3. Matt Maher – George and I listen to Matt Maher each day during our morning snuggles. It also keeps him happy while I run to brush my teeth 😉

On the Go

  1. Play Mat – baby boy loves to roll around and play on this mat. Dave and I weren’t initially big fans of big items in our tiny apartment, but this baby is worth every bit of its square feet.
  2. Bumbo – Now that George can almost sit up by himself unattended, the Bumbo is becoming his best friend/worst enemy. He loves sitting up in ti for the first few minutes, then gets really frustrated and tries to bust out of it. But I know deep down he’s just playing hard to get.
  3. Car Seat Entertainment – We’ve always had a mirror hanging on the backseat of the car so we can see George while we’re driving. But now that he’s tall enough to see himself in the mirror, he loves looking at himself (and Dave pretends like he doesn’t know where he gets that from). He also loves this gadget and can operate it himself now.
  4. Teething/Slobber Bib – I already wrote about my love for these babies but am mentioning them again because they are clutch, people, clutch.
  5. Blankets – George is in a very snuggly phase (I think it’s the teeth), and he’s particularly fond of rubbing blankets on his face. He’s partial to these and this one. But really any blanket, towel, or napkin will do.

George wants to know if he’s missing out on any other goodies that he would love. What say you?