Comment Policy

I love when you comment on a post.

Seriously, it makes my day. I have a great time responding to your thoughts and e-chatting with you.

By and large, y’all are decent folks and the combox isn’t a problem here at the Heights.

But just in case…

  • Discussion, debate, and disagreement are welcome here. Just be sure to articulate your position with respect. Remember that the person behind the screen is a person and deserves to be treated with reverence.
  • Please don’t include spam links or any personal information you don’t want the world to see in your comments. I do my best to moderate comments, but it’s in everyone’s interest if you self-edit first.
  • I can appreciate the rare use of a well-placed cuss word. But if you’re flying off the handle incoherently, we’ll ask you to tone it down.
  • Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

In short, be kind. The readers here are already very good at this.

Now come sit and talk with us!