catholic prayers to pray each day

Reading Saint Francis de Sales is like a reverse fine wine: it gets better as we age.

I first read his spiritual classic, An Introduction to the Devout Life, in a Christian Spirituality class I took while studying abroad. I was nineteen and traveling Europe with a freshly-converted heart. I understood the profundity of de Sales’ work, but Jesus was spoon-feeding me as I continued to orient my soul toward Him. I didn’t yet know of the struggles that come with a deeper spiritual life.

Thanks to my book club, I re-read this book in my late twenties. The Lord and I had been intertwined for a decade, and time and life had gifted me with the great understanding of my need for solid spiritual direction. Saint Francis de Sales became my spiritual director from Heaven.

An Introduction to the Devout Life

If you’ve never read this classic, I highly recommend it. After my most recent re-read, I’ve determined that I need to read it every year.

It’s broken up into brief sections, making it an easy read for anyone with limited time (all of us). And each section is packed with such wisdom that it will leave you with plenty of spiritual marrow upon which to feast for the day.

My Morning Spiritual Exercises

One of my greatest takeaways from my last journey through this text was de Sales’ recommendation of morning spiritual exercises.

About a third of the way through the book, de Sales dives into rhythms of prayer. He suggests starting each day with prayer—not a revolutionary idea. But the particular steps of his morning spiritual exercises have truly transformed my time with God each day, given me fresh eyes with which to see the events of my day, and opened my heart to receive the graces He offers in every encounter.

There are four steps in these morning spiritual exercises. De Sales feels so strongly about their efficacy in the spiritual life that he encourages us to do these before even leaving our bedrooms. He even begs us to never omit these exercises!

When I first started incorporating them into my morning prayer, I printed them off as a guide until I could perform them from memory. I made this for you in case you’d like to print them off, too, and tuck them into your Bible, planner, or spiritual reading.

1. Adore

Adore God profoundly. Praise Him simply for Who He is. The Psalms are a great script to use if you’re looking for words to use. If your prayer is deepened by worship, you could sing your praises. You can also keep it easy and exalt Him from your heart.

Thank Him for a good night and ask His pardon for any sins you committed during the night.

2. Remember

Remember that the present day is given to you in order to gain the future day of eternity and make a firm purpose to employ the day well for this intention.

Saint Francis de Sales

In other words, remember that Heaven is your ultimate goal and home. So let everything you think and do reflect that.

3. Anticipate

Look at the day ahead. I mean, literally. Look at your day. What’s going on? What’s on your schedule? What’s on your to-do list? I like to literally pull out my planner and physically see the tasks, responsibilities, meetings, chores, and duties that lie ahead of me that day.

Anticipate what tasks and occasions for serving God await you this day. Resolve to serve Him well in all your tasks of the day.

Also—and this is the kicker, folks—anticipate to what temptations you will exposed. Will you have to talk to that annoying mom at baseball practice? Is there a good chance you’ll compare yourself to people on the internet? Are you tired this morning and more likely to snap at someone? Be honest with yourself and with the Lord about possible pitfalls. Carefully prepare to avoid, resist, and overcome whatever may be a temptation to sin. Prepare and plan for those moments, and pray for grace.

4. Rely

Finally, humble yourself int he presnce of God and ackknowledge that, by yourself, you can do nothing of the things you have decided on—both avoiding evil and doing good.

Offer your heart, with all its good purposes, to Him. Ask Mother Mary, your guardian angel, and the Saints (especially your patron Saints!) to pray for you and assist you this day.

What does your morning prayer look like? Think you’ll try incorporating these morning spiritual exercises?

francis de sales spiritual director