by Olivia | Oct 31, 2014 | HEALTH
In our house, we’ve been making a concerted effort lately to read more. Dave and I both enjoy reading, and it is something that we have let slip out of our routine in the busy-ness of work and school. We both feel much more rested, confident, rejuvenated, and...
by Olivia | Oct 23, 2014 | HEALTH
Genevieve of Mama Natural and I chatted at the Wellness Family Summit about how breastfeeding can be more overwhelming than one might expect. When I was pregnant with George, I spent so much time reading about labor and delivery and soaking up advice for having a...
by Olivia | Sep 24, 2014 | HEALTH
I never saw colic coming. Pregnant, naive Olivia skipped over every single bit of the wealth of information about colic and how to handle it in all those books she read. Dumb, dumber, dumbest. And I probably should have picked up on this reality during George’s...
by Olivia | Sep 9, 2014 | HEALTH
Thankfully, when you’re navigating life with a new baby, they don’t require much to survive and be happy. This helps ease the transition of having a new life amongst your family. At the end of the day, all they really need is the breast and a clean diaper....
by Olivia | Aug 8, 2014 | HEALTH
Getting back into a workout routine post-baby is not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. In my pre-baby life, I thought I was busy. I had no idea. In my future life, with more kids hanging around our house, I’ll laugh at my present self for thinking...
by Olivia | Aug 1, 2014 | HEALTH
I’ve told y’all before that, although we live pretty crunch-ily, there are some things that I haven’t been able to dive into. Well, I bit the bullet with the placenta capsules and loved it, so I figured I may need to expand my horizons again and try...