Immune Boosting Tea (with Essential Oils)

‘Tis the season for colds and coughs and runny noses. With the flu vaccine not being very effective this year, we’ve ramped up our game plan for staying healthy and I’ve stocked up our arsenal of home remedies in case we do get sick. One of my...

On Failing at Advent and Needing My Hand to Be Held

Sweet, naive, well-meaning Olivia sat in her junior year college catechetics class daydreaming. As she listened to her professor unfold the beauty of the Christian liturgical year and how it can be celebrated richly in the home, she fantasized about her future life...

The Total Life Overhaul: Health

Check out the other installments in this series: the intro, how we planned for it, and prayer After improving our prayer life, we knew the most vital aspect we needed to focus on was our health. If we are operating well physically, we operate well in every other area...

A Christmas Request

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it one thousand times: I have the greatest readers on the planet. You all are always so kind, so thoughtful, and so courteous. You make this space what it is. You build this community with your hearts. I could never thank...

5 Ways to Save Money on Gift Wrap

‘Tis the season for ribbons and bows, for packages, boxes, and bags. I don’t really count my Christmas shopping complete until I’ve wrapped all the presents and they’re under the tree. It’s just the Type-A in me. There’s something...

Gift Guide for a Man’s Man

As promised, here is David’s big wish list. This gift guide for a man’s man, as I like to call it, is comprised of many of Dave’s favorite items (many he has, some he wants). If you’re scrambling to find something for the guys in your life,...

My Calling is So Uncomfortable

Yesterday, I was able to spend some down time with a few of my former students. I’m sponsoring one of them for Confirmation this year, and we had a short retreat day at their parish; so a good amount of my other kids were there, too. Yesterday compelled me to...