by Olivia | Oct 7, 2014 | HOLINESS
One of the reasons I love the WWW so much is because of the potential for community between people who live far and wide. I find this especially true with our community here. I love hearing from you about your struggles, your desires, and your efforts to live a full...
by Olivia | Oct 1, 2014 | HOLINESS
The past several months have been completely and totally life-altering, to say the least. I haven’t written much about the school year starting or my thoughts about not being there anymore, because honestly, it’s a bit too difficult. That area of my heart...
by Olivia | Sep 24, 2014 | HEALTH
I never saw colic coming. Pregnant, naive Olivia skipped over every single bit of the wealth of information about colic and how to handle it in all those books she read. Dumb, dumber, dumbest. And I probably should have picked up on this reality during George’s...
by Olivia | Sep 19, 2014 | HOLINESS
Part One Here … and Part Two. If you’ve persevered to this point of the story then I’ll do my best to invent a time machine to take us back to our wedding day and plop you right in with the wedding party. Mazel-tov. To catch everyone up to speed … Dave and...
by Olivia | Sep 12, 2014 | HOLINESS
Part I Here The next time I got see to Dave was our senior year of high school. We had kept in touch a bit between the youth conference and this point in time, and I considered him my friend. That day that I saw him is forever burned into my memory. It was Fall, and...
by Olivia | Sep 9, 2014 | HEALTH
Thankfully, when you’re navigating life with a new baby, they don’t require much to survive and be happy. This helps ease the transition of having a new life amongst your family. At the end of the day, all they really need is the breast and a clean diaper....
by Olivia | Sep 8, 2014 | HOLINESS
You know, I’m not really a believer in love at first sight. Which is ironic, because from the first moment I encountered David, I knew he was mine. It has taken me quite some time to compile our love story because honestly, it’s quite the saga (but...